Intelligent Transport Systems

Kristine Luszczynski

long exposure photography of road and cars

Communities spend tens of billions of dollars every year on transportation. Data61 is playing a central role in the application of ICT to transport, making transportation safer, more productive and environmentally friendly.

Autonomous driving’s future: Convenient and connected

Kristine Luszczynski

photography of wing mirror

The dream of seeing fleets of driverless cars efficiently delivering people to their destinations has captured consumers’ imaginations and fueled billions of dollars in investment in recent years

Recharging the economy

Rob McTaggart

white and blue plastic tool

The economic impact of accelerating electric vehicle adoption – Report by NRMA

Future Transport Strategy 2056

Rob McTaggart

people on marker beside road

A Transport for NSW publication. Future Transport 2056 sets the 40-year vision, directions and principles for customer mobility in NSW, guiding transport investment over the longer term.