Make a pitch deck

HomePitchMake a pitch deckSuggested time: 120 min.A pitch deck gives a brief but powerful overview of your product or service to an audience.The pitch deck is a fundraising tool for startup companies. It aims to persuade someone to invest in your idea, product or service. It consists of a small collection of presentation slides (think PowerPoint) that provide more depth … Read More

Executive summary

HomePitchExecutive summarySuggested time: 120 min.A good summary can grab someone’s attention so they might read further.An executive summary is a one or two-page document that summarises the key information in your pitch deck. Potential investors don’t have time to read every long-winded business plan they’re given and want to know what your product or service does and what makes it … Read More

Elevator pitch

HomePitchElevator pitchSuggested time: 60 min.You can craft the right thing to say when someone asks you about your innovation.What if you only have a few moments to spark someone’s interest in your product or service, say the time it takes to ride with them in an elevator? Having a brief, persuasive speech ready to go can make sure what you … Read More