Collect data

HomeExploreCollect dataSuggested time: 120 min.Sometimes you need to go out into the world and collect your own data.One of the best ways to get the information you need is to go out and get it yourselves Rather than finding secondary research in books and online, you can decide what you need to know, collect the data and collate it (primary … Read More

Take notes

HomeExploreTake notesSuggested time: This is dependent on what is being researched. Allow time for recording, summarising and review.Taking notes helps you focus on and understand the most important concepts of your research.As you explore online content, videos, magazines and newspapers, you’ll use the Cornell method of note-taking, developed by Dr Walter Pauk of Cornell University. It is a widely used … Read More


HomeExploreInterviewSuggested time: 30-90 min. for each preparation and interviewGain a deeper understanding of people’s needs, motivations and behaviours through questions and conversation.The more you can empathise with people, the better you can decide how to design and innovate for them. Interviewing people is a great way to understand their behaviours and the choices they make. It can help you to … Read More

Map the topic

HomeExploreMap the topicSuggested time: 90 min.Build your field of knowledge and define the limits of your topic.A topic is a collection of interrelating concepts. When you map the topic, you build your understanding of what you know about the concepts you are exploring. You can return to the topic map often to review, rearrange and update what you all know. … Read More

OLD Map the topic

Rob McTaggart

We need to build our field of knowledge and define the limits of our topic.

Explore Phase

Rob McTaggart

We will learn as much as we can about this topic by researching and talking to people. We’ll try to empathise with people in the context of this topic. This means we’ll be “walking in their shoes”.